Not all demons are sentient, various animals have been transformed into demons for instance, and some started as constructs such as infernals. Indeed, mortal creatures can be turned into demons (a state draenei demonologists call "man'ari", meaning 'twisted, unnatural, defiled') by being infused with large quantities of fel magic, usually in the form of a gift or blessing such as the one Sargeras offered the eredar or as with the case of the nathrezim. They can be truly killed only inside the Twisting Nether or in places where its chaotic energies leak. A demon is fundamentally a creature whose soul is bound to the Twisting Nether, and as such returns to that plane upon death. Originally, "demon" is what the races born from the Twisting Nether ( annihilan, sayaad, shivan etc.) are called, as opposed to the races of the Great Dark Beyond (such as humans). Most of them feed upon magic and life, and delight in inflicting suffering, spreading corruption, and destroying all that is good.

Demons or dae'mons ("twisted souls"), female demonesses, are immortal beings linked to the Twisting Nether.