Ability to go on personal leave and remain part of commanders army.Players kill count at the end of battles.When you return they will remember you and your previous status. Factions remember what your last rank was with them.The ability to go to the town the Lord has entered.

Carry your lords heraldry on armor and shields.This is all of the different types of aspects the game changes and adds: These penalties are even more severe if you abandon a faction leader's army. If you choose to abandon your Lord you will keep all of your armor and weapons but your relation with that Lord, the Lord's faction and other factions will become take a big hit, and you will be hunted down by other factions as a deserter. However, they will not stay with you for long, and will leave at some point, but they will be loyal to you for a few days to a week. If you choose to rebel against your Lord you will keep all of your armor and items, and you will have some of the army follow you away. If you do not like this there are two other options: If you want to leave the army, all equipment that you were given will be taken away from you. If you join an army of any faction you were previously a soldier for, you will regain your old rank.

Keep in mind that moving to the army of a Lord of a different faction will reset your rank in the army, so you will start as a peasant again. If you are captured during a battle and set free you are on your own and will have to find your own way back to the same Lord, or join the army of a different Lord. You will be put into battle when your commander goes up against another Lord. You will then automatically be made a part of the Lord's army, and you'll move around the map with him. For example, talking to a lord from the Kingdom of Rhodoks makes you a Rhodok Tribesman. Being accepted gives you all the gear of the lowest rank in the faction that Lord is a vassal of. Joining an army is done by talking to any Lord and telling him that you want to "Join his army".