may have to do without guns and use a good melee weapon instead, such as an axe. Hopefully the fire from their better-off colleagues will provide some cover. Successful persons in these occupations will also get some leather armour. If they have metal armour they are presumably very successful, and/or leaders. The next “tier” are professional non-tribal fighters. These may have a 10mm pistol and possibly a submachinegun – plus a melee weapon to save ammunition. Such persons are often raiders, caravan guards, gang members, militiamen and the like. The most common weapons in Southern California in 2161, the setting of the first Fallout game, seem to be primitive melee weapons. Common ones are spears, knives and brass knuckles. Tribals are usually limited to these weapons. This article is presented in “episodes”, and will only gradually reach its full span. We upgrade it when we work on our Fallout articles, which are now mostly about the first two, isometric games.ĭistribution of weapons in Fallout California This article uses a few technical terms about guns. If you’re not knowledgeable about these, our Old West guns article starts with a short primer about this vocabulary. Most of the photos come from the IMFDB, as with most of our guns-centric Weapons Locker article. Extracting them ourselves to get the exact same results would make little sense. They have been kept to a small size, since enlarging this sort of low-res image is a recipe for disaster.

Considered by many to be the ultimate weapon to use in unarmed combat.