Others merely require a certain level and plenty of gold. There are a lot of houses in Skyrim, and some require players to finish certain quests before they can be obtained.

A number of boosts and benefits can also be gained by sleeping in your own home, along with the ability to store your goods and armor. Plus, since any of the containers in unowned houses or inns reset, anything left behind will likely be gone when you return. There are plenty of reasons to shell out the gold required to purchase one of the Skyrim houses. You can rest at any of the inns littered throughout the game, but nothing beats owning your own home. With that in mind, we took a look at all of the Skyrim houses you can own, borrow, or build, and how to get them. Which Skyrim houses are best for you depends largely on your level and play style. Others are easier to obtain but may be less convenient or much smaller. Some homes require a high level or an exorbitant amount of gold to purchase. But whether you’re playing through for the first time or diving back into a well-loved save, it can be hard to keep track of every city and town in this expansive world-let alone the various Skyrim houses.

The fantastic characters, imaginative creatures, and gripping quests of this world never stopped entertaining the masses of fans who still flock to this game. In the nine years since Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V was released, fans still haven’t gotten tired of wandering the snowy reaches of Tamriel.